The educational results of the TangIn project were used by young students
In collaboration with Academia Letras Mágicas a workshop was promoted addressing young students from 4th and 5th grades and enabling the promotion and use of the TangIn lesson plans. Academia Letras Mágicas is a is a study and explanation center where students perform their homework and educational activities and are prepared for school evaluations under the guidance and supervision of certified teachers. Together with some of the TangIn researchers, a workshop was organized with…
The TangIn project is ending this month
30th of September will be the last day of activities for the partners of the TangIn project, that meet in Matosinhos for the final project meeting last week. For 2 years the members of the consortium have worked together to produce a robust set of educational resources for teachers. The aim was to deliver a set of educational resources and materials to promote and support the effective use of tangible programming tools and concepts…
TangIn project presented at the Educational Media and Technology Series
During the 2019 ICEM Conference held in Memphis, USA several workshops on education and technology were organized and one of the TangIn researchers was there presenting our project and main achievements and conclusions. Through FEdEx Institute of Technology, the University of Memphis is organizing the 2019 International Council for Educational Media (ICEM) Conference and large number of side workshops named “Educational Media and Technology Series”. Maria José Loureiro from the University of Aveiro has…
Latvian teachers and headmasters are eager to use the TangIn Results
The feedback received from the participants in the different events organized in Latvia, Valmieras region, was very positive as the materials were judged as innovative and relevant and teachers are willing to use tangible programming. The Latvian partner Valmieras Pārgaujas Sākumskola has organized different events in the past weeks targeting various audiences: from school headmasters to teachers and young and recent graduate teachers, but also parents and the teachers of the Valmieras Pārgaujas Sākumskola. These…
TangIn results were presented to Spanish teachers
The Spanish multiplier event was held on September the 11th in Madrid region, reaching out 27 professionals in the education sector. Organized by Colegio Santa Elena in Villarejo de Salvanés, the Spanish multiplier event gathered the participation of teachers, teaching training students, technology professionals and other people interested in tangible programming and robotics. The event was very dynamic with the participation of teachers and students of the Colegio Santa Elena that were involved in…
The Bulgarian Multiplier Event received positive feedback
On September 3rd the first promotional event of the TangIn project took place in the Lower Metropolitan Region, with the participation of 20 teachers from basic education level. During the event promoted by our partner Know and Can, the participating teachers had the opportunity to become familiar with the concept of tangible programming, the differences when compared with classical programming, and the benefits of using these concepts in school education, especially with students at…
The Latest TangIn Multiplier Event is planned
The final multiplier event of the TangIn project will be implemented in Spain on September the 11th, organized by the Colegio Santa Elena, in Villarejo de Salvanés, just outside Madrid. The Spanish partner is organizing their multiplier event to match the beginning of the school year, inviting for that occasion the teachers from other local primary schools as well as parents of their students. The event will take place at the Colegio Santa Elena…
Bulgarian Multiplier Events will happen in September
Know and Can Association is preparing two multiplier events to present and share the results of the TangIn project, reaching out to school headmasters and primary school teachers. The Bulgarian partner has defined their communication and dissemination plan to promote two multiplier events in different settings and regions. In both events the objective is to deliver the two main results of the project: The TangIn toolbox of educational resources, composed of lessons plans on…
Multiplier events are starting in Latvia
Valmieras Pārgaujas Sākumskola is initiating today a set of events aimed to promote the results of the TangIn project, reaching out to school headmasters, primary school teachers, parents, and recent graduate teachers. The Latvian partner has set in place a communication and dissemination plan to deliver a ser of five events in their region, targeting individuals at different levels, taking advantage of the beginning of the new school year. In all the events planned,…
The first TangIn Multiplier event was a success!
On last Friday, July the 5th the Portuguese partners implemented a session with primary school teachers and headmasters presenting the most relevant results of the project. Taking advantage of the TIC@Portugal19 event, Agrupamento de Escolas da Murtosa and Centro de Competência TIC da Universidade de Aveiro organised the Portuguese multiplier event of the TangIn project, that gathered almost 30 participants. The event was organized into practical and hands-on-job activities, coordinated by four of the…